Kathe Kruse Organic Towel Doll, Natural Lamb (Discontinued by Manufacturer)


Kathe Kruse Organic Towel Doll, Natural Lamb (Discontinued by Manufacturer)

  • The organic Towel Doll Lamb from Kathe Kruse is made from the finest organic materials, including sheeps wool
  • Simple, inviting Towel Doll, inspired by the first doll Kathe Kruse made for her daughter in 1905
  • Soft and huggable, the lamb invites children to play and cuddle
  • Measures 11", can be machine washed on the gentle cycle
  • Suitable for newborns
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The organic Towel Doll Lamb from Kathe Kruse is a charming, all natural doll designed to delight your infant. With his sweet, hand stitched face, the organic Towel Doll Lamb invites children to cuddle and play. The Towel Doll is a Kathe Kruse classic and is a must have for new borns. Designed with knotted fabric ends, the organic Towel Doll Lamb is inspired by the very first doll Kathe Kruse made for her daughter in 1905. The Towel Doll provides warmth and security for babies and toddlers all day long, in the crib or car seat. Makes a lovely baby shower present. The Towel Doll Lamb is made from organic materials including sheep's wool, and can be machine washed on the gentle cycle. Measures 18" . Suitable for new borns. Imported from Germany.

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